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Hurricane Iniki and I

by Bob Ward

Inside a sinking boat our only escape was out into the jaws of Iniki


On September 11, 1992 three fishermen found themselves in the Pacific Ocean, south of the Hawaiian Island of Kauai and directly in the path of a category 4 hurricane named “Iniki.” The hurricane took the boat and the lives of two men. The only survivor was my father, Bob Ward. He accounts his harrowing 21 hours in the ocean fighting for his life in this story titled, “Hurricane Iniki and I.” It is an inspiring story of what his mind and body endured through his will to survive. And how this humbling experience led him to find self-acceptance and inner peace. September 11, 2022 marks 30 years since Hurricane Iniki and this tragic event took place. Sadly, my father died of cancer in February 2020. At his request we put his ashes out to sea where he said his friends were waiting for him.

Hurricane Iniki and I bookcover

Hurricane Iniki and I

by Bob Ward



Book Details

ISBN: 0-9651219-0-9
Publisher: Sheets & Halyards Publishing Co.
Publication Date: 1996
Pages: 116
Shipping: $3.99